New Article Highlights IDS Use in LA County

A new article in the California Journal of Politics and Policy highlights effective integrated data system use through the illustrative example of recent efforts to restructure Los Angeles County’s General Relief Program.

The article is available from the publisher at:


Byrne, T., Metraux, S., Moreno, Culhane, D. P., Toros, H., & Stevens, M. (2012). Los Angeles County’s Enterprise Linkages Project: An example of the use of integrated data systems in making data-driven policy and program decisions. California Journal of Politics and Policy, 4(2), 95 – 112.

From the abstract

Governments at all levels are tasked with administering public programs that serve large numbers of people. The use of integrated data systems (IDS), which can be used to link administrative records from multiple public agencies into one database, offer a unique mechanism for providing the type of comprehensive information that is important for understanding the complex needs of vulnerable populations and for making data-based policy and program decisions that translate into more effective and efficient policies. In this paper, we draw on recent efforts to restructure Los Angeles County’s General Relief (GR) Program – a cash assistance program for indigent adults – as an example of how the effective use of IDS can play a crucial role in generating evidence that can guide important program and policy decisions.

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