Everything you need to know about the Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking

If you thought that Democrats and Republicans couldn’t agree on anything, you were wrong.

In an era of perhaps unprecedented partisanship in Washington, DC, every moment of collaborative policymaking is notable. That’s why we should take a moment to celebrate the bipartisan bill President Obama signed into law to start a federal Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking.

This law is a prime example of leaders from both parties, including heavy hitters like House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator Patty Murray, setting aside their differences and truly getting their wonk on.

With its focus on data systems and evidence building, the commission has flown under the radar of the national press but deserves greater attention. Here is what you should know about the new commission and how it lays critical groundwork for adopting evidence-based policies that maximize public investment and improve lives. Access the complete article.

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